{"@context": "/data/manifest/20760/r-7044220/", "@type": "sc:Manifest", "@id": "//mdid3.gwu.edu/iiif/record/record20760/manifest", "label": "Virtus (detail, second half)", "metadata": [], "description": "", "sequences": [{"@id": "//mdid3.gwu.edu/iiif/record/record20760", "@type": "sc:Range", "label": "Record", "canvases": [{"@id": "//mdid3.gwu.edu/iiif/record/canvas/record20760", "@type": "sc:Canvas", "label": ["Virtus (detail, second half)"], "height": 2000, "width": 1612, "images": [{"@type": "oa:Annotation", "motivation": "sc:painting", "resource": {"@id": "//mdid3.gwu.edu/media/iiif/20760/r-7044220", "@type": "dctypes:Image", "format": "image/jpeg", "height": 2000, "width": 1612, "service": {"@context": "http://iiif.io/api/image/2/context.json", "@id": "//mdid3.gwu.edu/media/iiif/20760/r-7044220", "profile": "http://iiif.io/api/image/2/level1.json"}}, "on": "//mdid3.gwu.edu/iiif/record/canvas/record20760"}], "metadata": [{"label": "Artist/Creator/Agent", "value": "Coecke van Aelst, Pieter, the elder"}, {"label": "Agent", "value": "Pieter Coecke van Aelst (Flemish artist, 1502-1550)"}, {"label": "View", "value": "Partial View: second half of tapestry"}, {"label": "Title", "value": "Virtus (detail, second half)"}, {"label": "Object Date", "value": "1520 -1525 (creation)"}, {"label": "Location", "value": "San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain - Royal Seat of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, (repository)"}, {"label": "Object Type", "value": "furnishings; wall hangings; tapestries"}, {"label": "Classification", "value": "Decorative Arts, Utilitarian Objects and Interior Design"}, {"label": "Measurement", "value": "500 x 814 cm ()"}, {"label": "Technique", "value": "weaving"}, {"label": "Culture", "value": "Flemish"}, {"label": "Style Period", "value": "Renaissance - Late"}, {"label": "Subject", "value": "Fine arts; Applied Arts; Decorative Arts; Textiles; Costume; Tapestry"}, {"label": "Subject", "value": "Christianity; New Testament; Jesus Christ; Crucifixion"}, {"label": "Subject", "value": "Allegory; virtue"}, {"label": "Accession Number", "value": "12_000581"}, {"label": "WorkID", "value": "16290"}, {"label": "Resource", "value": "16290_12_000581.jpg"}, {"label": "Course", "value": "AH6245"}]}]}], "result": "ok"}