{"@context": "/data/manifest/2998/r-5175854/", "@type": "sc:Manifest", "@id": "//mdid3.gwu.edu/iiif/record/record2998/manifest", "label": "Lapith Fighting a Centaur; Metope XXVII; A Fight Between a human Lapith aand a Centaur; Marle Metrope from the Parthenon; South Doric Frieze; South Side Metope of the Parthenon", "metadata": [], "description": "", "sequences": [{"@id": "//mdid3.gwu.edu/iiif/record/record2998", "@type": "sc:Range", "label": "Record", "canvases": [{"@id": "//mdid3.gwu.edu/iiif/record/canvas/record2998", "@type": "sc:Canvas", "label": ["Lapith Fighting a Centaur; Metope XXVII; A Fight Between a human Lapith aand a Centaur; Marle Metrope from the Parthenon; South Doric Frieze; South Side Metope of the Parthenon"], "height": 1276, "width": 1898, "images": [{"@type": "oa:Annotation", "motivation": "sc:painting", "resource": {"@id": "//mdid3.gwu.edu/media/iiif/2998/r-5175854", "@type": "dctypes:Image", "format": "image/jpeg", "height": 638, "width": 949, "service": {"@context": "http://iiif.io/api/image/2/context.json", "@id": "//mdid3.gwu.edu/media/iiif/2998/r-5175854", "profile": "http://iiif.io/api/image/2/level1.json"}}, "on": "//mdid3.gwu.edu/iiif/record/canvas/record2998"}], "metadata": [{"label": "Artist/Creator/Agent", "value": "Pheidias"}, {"label": "Agent", "value": "Pheidias ( sculptor, ca. 447-432 BCE)"}, {"label": "View", "value": ": Front View"}, {"label": "Title", "value": "Lapith Fighting a Centaur; Metope XXVII; A Fight Between a human Lapith aand a Centaur; Marle Metrope from the Parthenon; South Doric Frieze; South Side Metope of the Parthenon"}, {"label": "Object Date", "value": "ca. 440 BCE (creation)"}, {"label": "Location", "value": "Athens, Greece - Acropolis (Sanctuary of Athena), (Original Site); London, United Kingdom - British Museum, (Current / Repository)"}, {"label": "Object Type", "value": "architectural elements; entablatures; friezes; architectural elements; entablatures; metopes; sculpture; statues"}, {"label": "Measurement", "value": "1.42 x M"}, {"label": "Material", "value": "marble"}, {"label": "Technique", "value": "marble"}, {"label": "Style Period", "value": "Greek (ancient) - High Classical"}, {"label": "Accession Number", "value": "07_000730"}, {"label": "WorkID", "value": "168"}, {"label": "Resource", "value": "168_07_000730.jpg"}, {"label": "Course", "value": "Jacks AH121; Friedland AH101"}]}]}], "result": "ok"}