{"@context": "/data/manifest/330/411_06_000292jpg/", "@type": "sc:Manifest", "@id": "//mdid3.gwu.edu/iiif/record/record330/manifest", "label": "Column of Trajan; [Forum of Trajan]", "metadata": [], "description": "", "sequences": [{"@id": "//mdid3.gwu.edu/iiif/record/record330", "@type": "sc:Range", "label": "Record", "canvases": [{"@id": "//mdid3.gwu.edu/iiif/record/canvas/record330", "@type": "sc:Canvas", "label": ["Column of Trajan; [Forum of Trajan]"], "height": 1800, "width": 1204, "images": [{"@type": "oa:Annotation", "motivation": "sc:painting", "resource": {"@id": "//mdid3.gwu.edu/media/iiif/330/411_06_000292jpg", "@type": "dctypes:Image", "format": "image/jpeg", "height": 1800, "width": 1204, "service": {"@context": "http://iiif.io/api/image/2/context.json", "@id": "//mdid3.gwu.edu/media/iiif/330/411_06_000292jpg", "profile": "http://iiif.io/api/image/2/level1.json"}}, "on": "//mdid3.gwu.edu/iiif/record/canvas/record330"}], "metadata": [{"label": "Accession Number", "value": "06_000292"}, {"label": "Creator", "value": "unknown (Italian)"}, {"label": "Creator", "value": "unknown"}, {"label": "Classification", "value": "Sculpture and Installations"}, {"label": "Description", "value": "The structure is about 30 metres (98 feet) in height, 35 metres (115 feet) including its large pedestal. The shaft is made from a series of 20 colossal Carrara marble[a] drums, each weighing about 32 tons,[2] with a diameter of 3.7 metres (12.1 feet). The 190-metre (620-foot) frieze winds around the shaft 23 times. Inside the shaft, a spiral staircase of 185 steps provides access to a viewing platform at the top. The capital block of Trajan's Column weighs 53.3 tons, which had to be lifted to a height of c. 34 metres (112 feet); Dimensions:\n Height of base: 1.7 metres (5.58 feet)[37]\n + Height of shaft: 26.92 metres (88.32 feet)\n Typical height of drums: 1.521 metres (4.990 feet)\n Diameter of shaft: 3.695 metres (12.123 feet)\n + Height of capital: 1.16 metres (3.81 feet)\n = Height of column proper: 29.78 metres (97.70 feet)\n Height of helical part of stair: 29.68 metres (97.38 feet) (~100 Roman feet)\n Height of column, excluding plinth: 28.91 metres (94.85 feet)\n + Height of pedestal, including plinth: 6.16 metres (20.21 feet)\n = Height of top of column above ground: 35.07 metres (115.06 feet)\n [wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trajan%27s_Column]"}, {"label": "Location", "value": "Rome, Italy - Forum of Trajan, (site)"}, {"label": "Material", "value": "Luna marble, carrara marble, stone, bronze, gold"}, {"label": "Measurement", "value": "128 x ft"}, {"label": "Object Date", "value": "113 CE (creation)"}, {"label": "Object Type", "value": "architectural elements; columns"}, {"label": "Style Period", "value": "Roman (ancient) - Late Empire"}, {"label": "Subject", "value": "Fine Arts; Visual; Sculpture; Monument, Victory monument; Italy; Rome (Ancient); History; Emperor; Trajan; [Imperator Caesar Nerva Traianus Divi Nervae filius Augustus]; [emperor, 98 to 117 AD]; [18 September 53 \u2013 8 August 117 AD]; Italy; Rome (Ancient); Sculpture; Roman triumphal column in Rome, Italy, that commemorates Roman emperor Trajan's victory in the Dacian Wars (101\u2013102, 105\u2013106)"}, {"label": "Technique", "value": "carving; construction"}, {"label": "Title", "value": "Column of Trajan; [Forum of Trajan]"}, {"label": "View", "value": ": Full View"}, {"label": "WorkID", "value": "411"}, {"label": "Identifier", "value": "411_06_000292.jpg"}]}]}], "result": "ok"}